Our class is the first and only class to date to create an Alumni Scholarship award. Thanks to Jennifer Devilbiss for coming up with the idea. We have used funds collected over the years from events and interest. In the future we will be funding the scholarships through classmate donations on this site.
The scholarship is given to a graduating BHS Senior who is the child of a BHS alumnus (our only criterion). The individual is selected by the scholarship committee at the high school.
If you would like to donate go to the Scholarship Fund box on our website's Home Page.
2019/2020 - program paused
Our scholarship funds have been exhausted. We will kick off a scholoarship fundraising during our 40th reunion in 2021 to support future BHS alumni graduates.
Beavercreek High School class of 1981 Alumni recipient, Mackenzie Todd is majoring in Computer Science and Forensics. She is the daugher of our classmate Carol Bertieri Todd!
Beavercreek High School class of 1981 Alumni scholarship went to Adam Graeter. He is the son of one of our own classemates, Dan Graeter and nephew of Mike Self. Congratulations!
Beavercreek High School class of 1981 Alumni recipient, Cameron Mills is going to Wright State University majoring in psychology.
Our third Alumni Scholarship award went to Jasmine Kroll who will be studying Music Education at Ohio University.
Once again our class gave a $500 scholarship to a 2015 Beavercreek High School senior. Ross Gilley was the recipient. He will be attending Ohio State. The BHS scholarship committee selected him to receive this scholarship as a child of a BHS alumnus.
BHS Class 1981 Scholarship Award 2014. Jennifer Grinstead DeVilbiss presented our class's first award of $500 to BHS senior Dean Ahrens (on May 19, 2014). He will be studying engineering next year at Miami University. The scholarship committee at the high school chose him to receive the award as the child of a BHS alumnus (our only criterion).